
Common pouring methods for silica sol casting

2024-03-27 15:05:02

Silica sol casting has the advantages of high dimensional accuracy and good surface quality. It is a widely used advanced process with little and no cutting. The use of silica sol casting method can save a lot of machine tool equipment and processing man-hours, and also save metal raw materials.

Silica sol casting is a widely used precision casting method in the field of precision casting. This precision casting method effectively reduces costs and improves the competitiveness of precision casting companies. Pouring molding is the most important step in silica sol casting. So what are the common pouring methods for silica sol casting?

1. Crystallization under pressure: Place the mold shell in a pressure tank for pouring. After completion, immediately close the pressure tank and introduce high-pressure air or inert gas into the tank to solidify the casting under pressure to increase the density of the casting. .

2. Vacuum suction casting: Place the mold shell in a vacuum pouring box, and absorb the gas in the mold cavity through the tiny pores in the mold shell, so that the liquid metal can better fill the mold cavity, copy the shape of the mold cavity, and improve the quality of the casting. Precision to prevent defects such as porosity and insufficient pouring. This method is more common abroad.

3. Directional crystallization: For some investment castings such as turbine blades, magnetic steel, etc., if their crystal structure is columnar crystals arranged in a certain direction, their working performance can be improved a lot, so investment casting directional crystallization technology is rapidly developing. be developed.

4. Hot gravity pouring: This is the most widely used form of pouring, that is, after the shell is taken out of the roasting furnace, it is poured at high temperature.

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